To benefit from the reduced pricing via online reservations, please ensure that you possess one of the offers from the list below and that it is still valid. The day of your visit, justification of your offer will be asked at the reception in order to validate your reservation and apply the reduced rate. If no justification is presented, complementary rates will be applied to access the site.
Reduction is valid for the owner of the card and their family, with a limit of 6 people.
- Visite Passion
- Conso facile
- Reducavenue
Partnerships with Tourism Networks
- Gîte de France – Pass Loisirs
- Club des Sites Touristiques – Offre Ticket Malin (sur présentation du ticket du club participant)
- Sites d’Exception du Languedoc Guide Pass 2024 (sur présentation du guide 2024)
- Guide du Routard
Partnerships with Offices of Tourism
- Pass Pays de Cèze
- Pass Up Découvertes Pays d’Uzes Pont du Gard
- Pass Cévennes +
- Carte Privilège (offered by partnered hosts (campings, gîtes, hôtels….))