In our objective to promote the underground world, the protection and conservation of the Cave of Trabuc stands at the center of our concerns and priorities. It is therefore essential for us to have a responsible and controlled gestion of the site and of its access to the general public. Our objective is to protect this underground treasure, while taking into consideration the economic viability, the promotion of the cultural heritage, and the development of the local economy.
Thoughts on the lighting
- The layout of the stairs and paths respects the cavern’s landscape,
- The use of motion-sensing lighting allows us to maximize the time the cave is left into obscurity,
- The use of LED lighting prevents the release of heat and therefore of the accelerated drying of crystals as well as their oxidation,
- The timing of the lighting thus being controlled, we can limit the development of moss appearing from photosynthesis.
Respect of the natural evolution of the cavern
The cavern is a stable environment, with a high hygrometry (95%) et constant temperature of 14°C, we should therefore ensure that the presence of humans affects its evolution as little as possible.
The circulation of water and air in the cave are vital, for both the mineral preservation of the site, and the regeneration of our stocks of drinkable water.
- Control of the distribution of drinkable water on the site, and surveillance of the impact on the stocks of groundwater,
- Awareness of the cavern’s hygrometric level to maintain equilibrium,
- Limitation of the number of visitors during the summer to prevent the negative side effects of over-frequentation, and the rising levels of CO2 in the air.
One should note that, the two principal openings present at the extremities of the subterranean network naturally impact the renewal of air inside the cavern.

Clientele awareness
- We incite you to sort your garbage,
- We’ve reduced the quantity of pamphlets and information papers put at disposition,
- We offer local and french products at our shop (pots from Anduze, wine from Massillargues-Attuech, BIOVIVA games…),
- We promote destinations within the Cévennes (Mialet Valley, the history of the Camisards…) to initiate a “touristic consummation” that is more respectful of the environment, of the Gardon and its clear water, and of its trails and its locals,
- In the valley, certain animal and plant species are protected and classified under Natura 2000. Please be mindful.
“Spirit of the Cévennes National Park” label (“Esprit Parc National des Cévennes”)
In 2019, the Cave of Trabuc was labelled “Spirit of the Cevennes National Park.” This label honours accomplishments and steps taken towards sustainability: low consuming lighting, sales of local products, partnerships with local businesses… Initiatives to advocate for sustainable tourism.

With more than 50 000 visitors per year, the Cave of Trabuc is a major geological and cultural heritage site of the Cévennes. Hence, by offering our clients a most immersive and (hopefully) great experience of the subterranean world, whether it is from your sensorial or emotional experience, we hope that you leave this palce with a greater understanding and conscience of our place and our role alongside our beautiful nature.